

2022-2 Class Operation Plans for Undergraduates (As of 2022.8.9.)

  • 22.08.17 / 이지연

1. Objectives

  A. The Ministry of Education requests for full educational activities such as getting back to normal classes to be continued through Face-to-face educational activities and students-specified learning and emotional support, and to maintain university life.

      (Reference: Ministry of Education (2022.8.4.) “2022-2 University Quarantine System Management and Academic Management Plan against COVID-19”)

  B. In order to restore the university`s original educational and research functions, we intend to operate a Face-to-face class from the second semester of 2022.

      Class operation plan may be readjusted in case of COVID-19 situation and change of class operation plan by Ministry of Education.


2. Class Operations




Class Operations

Face-to-face class in principle

※ Non-Face-to-face class is possible only for courses that have been approved in advance.

Exams and Grading Criteria

Exams: Face-to-face class in principle

Grading Criteria: Evaluation methods for each course, such as Relative Evaluation System, P/N Grading, etc. are applied in accordance with the ‘Article 61 of the Academic Regulations(Grading Systems and Distribution of Grades Rate)’

Classroom Quarantine System Guidelines

Observe wearing masks, placing hand sanitizers in each classroom, replacing microphone covers, frequent ventilation of classroom(leave windows and doors open before, during, and after class)
※ There is no specific standardization for classroom density or partition installation.


3. Attendance Acknowledgement Criteria

  A. Acceptance will be acknowledged depending on COVID-19 confirmed cases, those are in quarantine, and those with symptoms.



Attendance Acknowledging Period

Required Documents


Confirmed- cases

Until the release date

- Acknowledgement of Attendance Form

- COVID-19 Confirmation Letter
  (via Kakao-Talk, Text-message, etc.)

-The quarantine period must be specified when submitting the confirmation form.

-Final attendance will be acknowledged when assignments separately given from teachers and instructors are submitted.


Until the release date

- Acknowledgement of Attendance Form
- Notice of Quarantine
  (via Kakao-Talk, Text-message, etc.)



Attendance Acknowledging Period

Required Documents


Confirmation of Cohabitant

From the date of COVID-19 testing 



the date of negative confirmation

- Acknowledgement of Attendance Form
- COVID-19 Confirmation Letter of Cohabitant
   (Personal Info is unnecessary,
    via Kakao-Talk and Text-messages, etc.)

Test Report:Negative (Issued from COVID-19 Screening Centers or Medical Centers)

Self-monitoring for 10 days, and recommendation of 2 COVID-19 tests.

- Once within 3 days(PCR test or RAT)

- 1 RAT on the 6th to 7th days

- Final attendance will be acknowledged when assignments separately given from teachers and instructors are submitted.

Displaying Symptoms

On the Testing Day

Acknowledgement of Attendance Form

Test Report:Negative(Issued from COVID-19 Screening Centers or Medical Centers)

-Final attendance will be acknowledged when assignments separately given from teachers and instructors are submitted.

  B. Attendance Acknowledgement with regard to COVID-19 Vaccination



on vaccination day

Within 2 days after vaccination


Attendance Acknowledgement

Attendance is acknowledged

Attendance is acknowledged

if adverse events appear

-Attendance will not be acknowledged during the midterm and fianl exams period.

-Final attendance will be acknowledged when assignments separately given from teachers and instructors are submitted.

Required Documents

Acknowledgement of Attendance Form,

COVID-19 Vaccination Booking Confirmation

(via Kakao-Talk, Text-message, etc.)

Acknowledgement of Attendance Form,

COVID-19 Proof of Vaccination

(via Kakao-Talk, Text-message, etc.)

※ For the cases of confirmation of teachers and instructors, communicate with students through (Online or 16 week program) (Detailed preparation of the form for cancellation and makeup lecture will be noticed.)


4. Classroom Inspection Checklist for Face-to-face Classes



Inspection Checklist


Each College

Placement of Hand Sanitizers, Disposable Microphone Covers

□ Yes □ No

Sufficient ventilation by leaving windows and doors open before and after class

  ※ Leave windows and doors open for cross ventilation, recommended at least 3 times a day

□ Yes □ No

Daily disinfection of desks, handles, buttons, etc.

  ※ recommended at least once a day

□ Yes □ No